So right now I am typing this very message sitting in a funky ass karate class. I would rather be shot in the face with a can of hot acid Not my idea to be here trust me. My sil and my husbands niece are testing for their belts. Honestly I find this whole thing a bit stupid. I'm watching these people and if you fought like this in a REAL FIGHT you would get your ass kicked. For the sake and peace of my home I was forced to come here.
I'll give you a quick run down. Want to know who took me shopping for maternity clothes?
Who called the hospital when we were told we might lose our son or he may be born with problems.
My friends, My family and My Boss. My husbands co-workers sent stuff. To credit his mother did call.
Who calls us only when the want something?
I keep saying it over and over these people are so disrespectful its beyond belief.
I'm trying to keep my mouth closed because day by day I fear the day when it is going to open.
I'm not sure what will come out of it or just what I will do.
I'd rather be at Linens and Things or Target. Not sitting here in this hot funky ass shit hole.
I have to say in a bit of humor I wish someone would knock one of them out.
Then perhaps the trip would be worth it. Either one would be good. Both would be better.