Wednesday, September 28, 2005

IN-LAWS FROM HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when you are a little girl dreaming of your wedding day never does it enter your mind that you will inherit in-laws. Well I'm going to say something I have wanted to say for a long time. MINE SUCK !!!!! They are rude, disrespectful, and just a big infected thorn in my side. Hence my fathers famous saying " Money, Friends and inlaws " I wish there was a magic spell where you can return your in-laws if you are dissatisfied. The time has come for them all to meet Mr. Nasty. The gloves are off, the sweet girl who smiles through her anger is GONE ! I've got rings on my expensive furniture from cold drinks. I have two guest bedrooms filled with crap that should have long since been sent to a land field. No regard for me at all. All I hear is " Mom will be really upset if you throw his stuff away." Well mom you can just kiss my a$$. Keep this crap at your house and you won't have to worry about me throwing it away. To my father in-law I give you the tasteless emergency expression of 2 middle fingers in your face. I 'm letting it all out and I don't care who likes it. So Hello In-laws Mr. Nasty is here to stay as far as you are concerned. You've walked on me long enough !!!


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