Saturday, October 01, 2005


Ohh this is going to be a good one ! I hate a bad child and worse I hate the parent that thinks their child is just smart. I believe children should be seen and not heard. In my not so long ago day if you put your 2 cents into an adult conversation your butt was going to be burning.
Now should I dare say I have inherited a brat niece. The queen of back talk she is. I would like to show her butt the back of a belt. I try to stay away from her for fear how I think she needs an hour long butt spanking may just fly out of my mouth. Even her mothers friends make fun of her wondering what dreadful thing she may do. The sad thing is her mother doesn't realize her friends are making fun of her. I give this kid a few more years before she is going out the window late at night. They think everything she says and does is cute and it's so not. She is an annoying funny looking little kid. I look at her and think you are so pathetic you are letting this kid run all over you. Just a sample when my sister in law was pregnant she had a little condition that caused some concern and while she was sleeping her demon spawn 5 year old shook her stomach. Naturally it startled her and she asked the Omen child what she was doing she replied " I don't want another baby in this house" Hello!!!!! Paging the A$$ Beating. Another sample her mother tells her to stop doing something she defiantly looks her mother dead in the face and continues to do it. Bad children usually become terrible teens going on to terrible adults.


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